Home alone

Sigh, I'm here by myself. My mom is in St. George, my little sis is at my big sis's house in Lehi and they're there for 2 weeks. And my dad goes to work every day from 5 am to 6 pm. So, it's going to be boring unless someone calls me and asks me to do stuff. On Thursday I'm going to Montana with Emily babe!!! I'm so excited! Man! I am soooooooooo bored!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I'll find something to do. I usually don't drink coffee, but I made some from my moms coffee pot and she has and espresso maker. So I made one just to try it. I put some vanilla and some rum extract in there. And eh.......IT WAS SOOO GOOD!!!!! I basically rock! And I usually don't like coffee! But I made it good!!!! Now I'm all sorts of hyper! Don't think I'm some kind of bad person. Just curious. I don't think I'll ever make it again though. It took too much work! Anyway! Now I'm probably going to go in my sisters room, look through her stuff, BLAST her stereo and Dance like no other!!!! Then I'm going to take a nice long bath! And after that, I'll probably get back on the computer and then play some X-box! But if anyone wants to do anything, just come over! But before 6:00 cause if you're already here my dad won't get mad, but me and my dad are going to go and see a movie tonight and get some flowers for my mom's garden! Then we're going out for dessert! It's going to be a father/daughter date thing. Speaking of dates, I really want to go on one! So if anyone is looking for a date, I'm here!!!! Welp, I'm going to get in my new shiny red car and go to the post office to get the mail!!!! BYE AND MUCH LOVE!!!!! ~Britney Francis~
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How did you get y our background like that?
We should play sometime, you need to come kidnap me and we should go play. Yup yup.