69-Back to blond

I'm blond again! I don't know how I feel about the shade it is, but oh well! I'm happy that I'm back to blond! My sisters stripped my hair and it was this BRIGHT blond with some orange in it! *shiver* Then we colored it a dark blond. But we missed a few spots so I had to color those spots again! It feels sick! I miss my soft hair. :( But it's still semi soft. Soft enough that I can tolerate it! I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!!! I hate being bored! It sucketh! But, I find things to do.......sit........eat....compute.... .......sit.........eat........compute... Yeah! So I mostly just sit and eat and play on the computer. Then I sometimes eat. And if I feel like it I just sit. And then, when I'm really feeling daring I play on the computer! It's not fun just sitting eating and going on the computer. NOT fun!!! Only when people I know talk to me on the computer. But no ones ever on! It's because they are actually DOING stuff!!!!!! *sigh* Oh well! I'm going to go and sit. Then maybe I'll eat something. Then I'll probably get back on the computer if I feel like it. ~Britney Francis~ THESE ARE HORRIBLE PICTURES, BUT IT'S ALL I GOT!!!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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