Listening to: Big band swing
Feeling: excited
I GOT A CELL PHONE FOR CHRISTMAS!!! YAYAYAY!!!! It's a varizon Motorolla Razor phone! I can only text varizon users for free and call them for free though. So yeah. Landon got a cell phone too, but it's not varizon. So when he texts me it costs me texts. I have 500 text a month for non-varizon users and unlimited for varizon users. So if I give my number to anyone not on varizon, don't text me or call me! You can call me after 9pm on weekdays and all day sat. and sun. But that's it! I got a lot of cool stuff!! I got cloths, a radio for my shower from my grandma, a candle, hot curlers, shoes, and lots of other things! From Landon I got a big band swing Cd that I have wanted for forever, a shirt that says "I found my love in utah" that has pictures on it and a little green jeep! Hahaha! I got from him lotion, a car with santa and his raindeer in it that sings Low rider that me and him played with at wal-mart forever, a stuffed puppie that had a blanket in it's arms that I can use, the dave matthews band centeral park live concert cd and dvd, and his family got my family a board game! All I got his family was bread! How lame am I!!!! Anyway! My christmas was awesome! I hope all of yours was too!! Love you all!!! ~Britney Francis~
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I love cell phones... But that is real sucky that you can't txt non-verison. Are you going to Morgan's party? She said she invited you... It's gonna be fun!