on ocean avenue

1. My desktop shows: nomaaaaahh because joey put it up. love to the lexington kids. 2. Book I'm reading: hmm. ellen foster i think its called for english 3. On my mouse pad: boring dell 4. Favorite board game: hmm.. life 5. Favorite magazine: never read any 6. Favorite smell: i still say nick smelled really good. 7. Least favorite smell: idk.. gross things.. 8. Worst feeling in the world: rejection. 9. Favorite sound: really good music 10. First thing I do of when I wake up in the morning: turn on my straightener 11. Rings before I answer the phone: it usually goes to the answering machine lol 12.Favorite color: blue and black 13. Do u like ur name? it suits me ok. 14. I was named after: my great grandma 15. Favorite food: dark chocolate 16. Do I drive fast?: can't drive. 17. Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate 18. Worst disaster I fear: everyone hating me 19. Storms, cool or scary?: wicked crazy cool. 20. My first car: can't drive. maybe my uncles infiniti 21. Dead or alive, I would like to meet: someone who looooooves me. or layne staley. lol. 22. Zodiac sign: sagittarius 23. Favorite drink: unsweetened iced tea 24. Favorite vegetable: asparagi. and spinach. 25. If I could have any job, it would be: writer for snl. i have plans for that show... 26. Hair, long or short: mines like chin length 27. Times I've been in love: never. 28. Glass, half-empty or half-full: half full its turning half empty. 29. Do I type with my fingers over the right keys?: no.. but i type w/o looking and fast 30. Favorite movie: MP & the holy grail 31. What's under my bed?: old board games.. moms wedding dress.. stuffed animals.. posterboard.. yeah a lot of stuff 32. Lucky number: 5 33. Favorite sport to watch: scrabble. 35. On my bedside: remote, spinny lamp, a lot of jewelery, money, alarm clock 36. Pillows on my bed: like 6 37. In case of fire, I'll take: like.. everything. pics, music 38. I admire: emo boys 39. Best thing ever invented: microwave. 40. Most influential person: dunno. my mom or something 41. Favorite place(s): anywhere in the summer 42. Do I say my prayers?: every now and then. 43. Minutes I spend in the shower: like 3 hrs. 44. Most prized possession: music. subwoofers. 46. Jewelry I wear: my balls.. my star bracelet. black hair thing 47. Coke or Pepsi: coke 48. What I had for breakfast: honey nut cheerios 49. Favorite time of the year: bday / christmas 50. If I were a cartoon character, I would be: gary. or lloyd in space. or donald duck.
Read 4 comments
haha you're funny!!!
you are a sit background thief. you jerk.
mocking you how? lol
i really like your diary, very pretty.. very original.