note to nick is close to finish. it's about time. that nieve drama queen. actually its like my 3rd one. i'm so indecisive. val keeps me sane :-) now my dad is threatening to eat my prized dark chocolate. better go save it. i'm a thief. i'm a liar. there's my church, i sing in the choir. so as i see it i am drawn between two worlds. i don't know how to explain them but i know myself. and i know which one i want to be in. and i know its the one i belong in. i just don't know how to get there.
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Hey hey like your diary.

Thanks for the comment.

Moosey is a dirivative of a nickname given to me by my best friend. Moosey Lucy, or just Moose, or Mooserinaroonarah.

Yes, I have wierd friends.

Lucy x x x x x
The quote is from Pearl Jam - Do the Evolution. Yes, I'm a music lover.

Look. You may not be able to explain these two worlds to us, or get across everything that you are feeling to us with words (because words suck and are such a crude form of expression).This is why its hard to explain/express what I'm going to say.

Give in. Let what feels right guide you; I've done and am all the better for it. If it doesn't work, it won't hurt, will it?