abbastanza bene, e tu?

hey you. i'm in college now. i enjoy it. i don't know anymore. i meet lots of fun people. i have pet illegal turtles from chinatown that are as big as a quarter. and my fishy. my rug looks like astroturf. i eat zbars. and clifbars. i went to the mfa and i got coldstone with alex. i visited her simmons world too. her and lys came to visit last week... it was nice. i went to boston a couple of weeks ago and got stranded with tyler, greg and shannon from american university. i kinda want a tattoo. well today i do. tyler is coming to get me with steve. we're going to a party in smithfield. i guess. i like my classes. i learn about kooks commies and the KKK. and art history. and writing. and italian. come stai? abbastanza bene, e tu?
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