
Feeling: sick
i'm sorryy that i annoy youu. i don't mean to yell at the people on television. i just reallyy hate it when i [as the audience] know something that someone on the tv doesn't. can't youu see how much pain that causes them? so. he reallyy does like me. i never knew that. wow. he reallyy likes me. wow. but i don't like him as anything more than a friend. myy german teacher made a familyy tree of everyone in our class to make everyone related to each other. we were learning how to sayy things like uncle, son, cousin, and such in. it really didn't help me that myy teacher made me be his wife. [ray's coming tomorrow!! i can't wait!!!]
Read 22 comments
haha yeah you can lose circulation


thanks for the comment
i just believe that when those memories that used to be painful to think about just make me smile, that's when i finally have moved on, so they're no longer painful
Tell him that you don't like him that way and you just want to be friends...

But say it to his face.
Maybe the teacher has a crush on you... but that just ain't right.

I feel like a wall.... personally!
haha yea there is more to read :)
thats y its under construction hehe

Thank you! ^-^
good song, alkaline trio is awesome.
your journal makes my friend want to shoot herself.

who are you?
your journal makes my friend want to shoot herself.

who are you?
creepy teacher..
oh are you from the U.S. our thanksgiving is long gone and not that big of a deal in Canada.
we have only our ideas left

if the world doesn't destroy them aswell.
Why Thank You
thnks! I like your username..so original
cha. what_ablonde@hotmail.com. thanks much!!!
Oooh your listening to Alkaline Trio I love them (:
wait...who's ray?
i know how you feel with the whole he likes me but i don't like him! it's so akward! good luck with that!
Well your layout did rawk!! My socks just flew off and...yeah. Ahem.

Ewww. You wouldn't want to be in my room after my cat takes a crap. It smells icky-yucky.

By the way, I was wondering if you could help me with my stolen layout...?

And I luff the french.



PS. I am sooooo excited! (For you) That must rock! I'm going to see my bestest diaper buddy this christmas. YAY!!
lol, i was being sarcastic, but i dont mind telling you, but its kind of a private thing. i have msn, i could give u my email adress if u want...(my email doesnt work...which defeats the purpose really...)

teachers gross me out.
so you ARE from the U.S>?? where??
thats awesome/
yeah no school = AWESOME.