
Feeling: balanced
myy last entryy did not mean that i was leaving sitD. i meant to sayy that youu all mean more to me than i ever knew before. and that entryy was onlyy supposed to thank all of youu. (= okayy. so here's the deal. i wish people will stop asking me if something is wrong. just because i am sitting on the floor. sitting on the floor makes me feel more connected to myy surroundings. that is all. no wait. i had that dream again. the one where i was a penguin egg. hehe. so weird.
i love capturing water in movement.
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well then how are you?
Haven't spoken in a while
so yeah
one day, i was sitting on the kitchen floor between the fridge and the cupboard with my headphones on and my mom thought i was really sad. she was asking me all the next week what was wrong and she suggested me seeing a shrink.
but i told her that there was nothing wrong i just didn't want to sit on a chair.
...have a happy new year dear♥
oh. i know. i hide in my room and finally, my dear mother found out. how i'm on the damn computer allday. but i dont eat. sadly. i dont. i ate a salad for breakfast. it was chicken. i mispelled it but i dont care.
happy new year...