
Feeling: normal
shit! i'm failing p.e. i have a fucking D in that class. it was an F, but he decided to be "nice." isn't that so sad?? it's because myy dad always seems to forget that i have to be at school byy 800am. and the teacher guyy takes roll five minutes before the bell rings. which is just stupid.
definitelyy not showing the parents myy progress report.
theyy were hella yelling at me the other dayy when i got a borderline A in english.
hellooo...90.2% is not a bad thing. retard.
so it's not until after i stop liking him does mr. old crush start calling me byy myy name.
as opposed to *shoulder tap*/heyy/err/umm../etc. whatever, mister, whatever.
Read 5 comments
aw. i failed last semester pe.. i'm sadly going to a continuation school :(
I hope you pass. you should .. tell your dad to take you earlier.
Your layout is lovely and it actually got me to get up off my butt and get some blueberries.
boys are supid.. whoa and your like diary names are all numbered all crazy cool.. that is frigen awesome.. i really like your layout its pretty cool too.

Sorry people are stupid.
My parents aren't nearly as bad as that because the majority of my family is stupid.
But yeah I'm doing horrid in all my classes right now. Straight Bs and a C or two I think.
I know...I think that's bad.
I'm stupid.
Things will get better for you soon though I bet :)
wow.. nice layout