Listening to: Watching Men In Black
Feeling: amused
HAhaha, last night was fucking awesome! Worked with Chelsea and Trisha for like three hours, and we had a blast. Then it was off to East End for the IGA XMAS PARTY!!!! lol...didnt get there till like, 8, and i sat and talked with Jordan, Marissa, Matt and Jaime for an hour or so...I was so happy :) Im glad Marissa is no longer mad at me, shes such a sweety! And im so glad to have Jordan back in my life hurts to loose a best friend, and those three months between the pit party and two weeks ago (where we finally started talking again) were absolute hell. But that part of the night was good! Then i picked Chels up at 9...and DAMN did the night get good after that! lol, i convinced Andy (one of the stores managers) that i was "18" (86 days!! w00t) and chels did we were given two free drink tickets each...lmfao. Fun times. Chris bought us the first ones and Chelsea bought us the other ones...Pink Lemonade Bachardi they were good! We werent drunk (thatd be pathetic) but we were looosened up, and having fun! we were dancing with Jane and Carol (the Deli Bosses) and having a blast! lol. Got dirty looks from the usual two biatches (names stay disclosed) but w.e, like i could care. All they did was sit there the whole time...they barely ate too! so, w.e, i could care less what they think of me already. At 12 or so we left back to chels house where we continued to party in her, by drinking 17 baloons of helium!!! We sounded like chipmunks...we probably killed quiet the few brain cells, but meh it was fun! taped ten minutes of it on chelseys video camera, which was entertaining to listen too afterwards!! hahaha, oh man. we took a ton of pics too, i now have blackmail on JANE! lol, some of the pics are priceless. took over 125 pics...god i love digital cameras!! Didnt win anything at the party, but nonetheless it was HELLA GOOD!! Thanx for coming with me chels!! :D
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haha pam sounds like a bitchen night i need to go to a party i need to get drunk and i need to meet a hottie!!!
thanks for bringing me i had a BLAST!! party on pam!!