The young and the sleepless

Feeling: panicked
damn that day care, i freaken caught some kids cold and now my throat hurts soooo bad and im loosing my voice / cant stop coughing. im just making random odd noises right now, and am finding it rather funny. I sound like E.T. This is not a good thing. well now. calmed down since the last post. Talked with andy about it a ton. he insists that he wont hurt me, that he loves me so much, and if she so much as hints that she likes him, he'll set her straight. yay =) That night i didnt get to bed till after 12, cuz i couldnt stop thinking about it. that was the beginning of my no-sleep weekend. ++ Friday ++ Woke up after a mere 6 hours of sleep. Worked at the day care from 7:30 till 3:30. Worked at IGA from 4-8. Then I snuck out to Veronica's party (the fam was gone camping all weekend). Met up with everyone at Tony Roma's. It was so good to see everyone from ST.V jeff, alena, curtis, aimee, tarik, ian, adam, veronica, Beth, Rochelle, Ravi, Alycia. There was a couple other people there too, that i didnt know. Andy was tipsy already. wonderful. lol, he saved me some of my favorite foods off his plate the coleslaw and the pickle! what a sweetie. Ian showed me all his drawings, that kids amazing! Then we all went to Adams, drank, played n64/air hockey, and just talked. I was DD...but i had sips. too many? maybe. well, i had a sip of Veronica's drink at Tony Roma's, a starwberry daquiri if i remember correctly, then Aimee gave me a sip of her drink at Adams....and it was soo good that i had like, three more sips? lol. bad pam. I talked a lot with Aimee that night. She is such a sweetheart! Andy and i told her the whole "sonja" story, and she said she can totally see where im coming from. But she says to trust andy (which i do/will). I Played a mad game of Air hockey against Veronica and managed to come out the victor. "We're either really evenly skilled, or we both just suck" Andy got drunk and kept wanting to lie down. We took a walk, me in my $100 Europe sandels, and Andy somewhat stumbling. Ian was my sweetheart that night too. He came for me, he was sooo nice. At adams, around 11, hes like "im gonna go, this isnt my scene" (Ian doesnt drink), and hes like "is it ok if i go? are you going to be ok?" AWW I love that kid. I gave him a huge hug and said thanx. I was unbelievably tired (considering i had been up since 6am) Adam kicked us out at 1am, cuz he was tired too, and i drove andy home. Then we sat in my car in his driveway, with the seats lieing all the way back, and talked about all sorts of things. After 45 minutes or so, he finally went to the house and i went home. Got home after two. had to wake up at 7am. grr. ++ Saturday ++ i worked 8-4:30. Andy came over once i was off work, and we went to Lilac. Ate dinner with the rents, ratgirl and friend, then handed out candy to the kids (It was halloween in August). Was about to go swimming when it started to poor, so we lied down on my parents bed and talked again. Finally the rain slowed so we ran to the pool and went in the hot tubs and in the pool in the rain. i beat him up in the water (i rule). After i bought us ice cream, and we took a walk for almost two hours around the campground. We talked about everything and anything. We talked a lot that night about moving out, and what sort of house we would get. We agreed to offer Jeff a room in the basement (if the house was big enough) until we got sick of him. I think it would be cool to live with those two. Also found out some good things, and a couple bad things. But he promised me that he was happy right now and that he loved me. We came back to the campsite at 10 or so, cooked up some smokies and quesidellas (so full). Left lilac at 11:30, didnt get home till 12. Took advantage of the whole, "having the house to ourselves thing" and...well made sure we both were gonna sleep good that night (i heart a hot steamy shower *wink*) Andy didnt leave till past two. Another six hours later i was waking up and going to work for yet another 8.5 hour shift. i cant win. ++ Sunday ++ Today. Sick. Woke up at 8:30 to go to work for 9. Wasnt too bad of a day...started getting really busy round 4 or so. After work i came home, changed into some good clothes, and went to the Convention Center. That's right, i went and auditioned for the Brad Pitt movie. Never saw him, but I am hopeful about becoming an extra. They said all girls must have long hair (Can you say winner for me in that category? my hair almost reaches my butt!). Over 3000 people went to try out...which gives me terrible odds. But im hoping my hair will get me in there. Was at the CC for almost 2 hours. It was deffinelty an experience! I handed in my acting resume with the application. (who knew that would come in handy? Oh thank thee mr. matwichuck). It was an all around cool thing. They'll be calling within the month. *come on long hair, get me a part!*. After i just grabbed some subway and came home. And this is where i am. I am sick as a dog as well and am really tired. Im going to sleep soon. or maybe now. goodnite *mua*
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hey pam i met this girl through tim whos working with the casting director for that movie i already gave her chole and matts names and if you want i can give her your name and tell her that they wont be let down! i applyed for that thing to but i mailed in my stuff because i didnt have to go down there in sunday!
yeah turns out i can try out too
application says all GIRLS need long hair and the women dont all have to :) and if i can play a woman.. then yay! but it also depends on your size too. if you have anything wrong with your body whatsoever, you wont get in... isnt that crap? yeah kelley at work was telling me about this
ugh i just thought... 16-17 hour days? what about university!!?