The Greatest Thing. EVER.

Feeling: awestruck
ok, so harry potter is officially the greatest thing of my life. i love it. im watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again right now, already watched it once. i cant believe how great this movie is. I got tears in my eyes all over again when i watched it just now...its so sad. Tonight i shall watch Jarhead, the other movie i rented. I can't wait. and if im still addicted to Harry Potter tonite, ill watch Jardhead tomorrow. andys going to buy me these movies on friday, for my birthday. Excitement or what? WOO WOO! ahahaha i skipped outta my lap early today so i could bus home and rent these movies from Rogers. The Twins are my heroes, amazing and hot. And Ron is amazingly good looking too....ive got a thing for the Weasley men (minus their dad, hes a little hardcore for me, lol) I ♥ Harry Potter to the extreme
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lol thanks. i update every couple days or so, once i get enough, but since that was my first time doin them, i figured i would just put a frick full on there. newayz leave me a comment if you want a specific kind made or found and i'll see what i can do.
♥ harry potter :D
i need to get a copyyyyyyyyyyyyyy