: Lay With Me Now :

Listening to: The Used
Feeling: blessed
so the used are coming to winnipeg. GUESS WHO'S GOING!! ---}uh huh, this my shit! {--- in other words, me. thanx to chels my dearest. her, kristina and i are going. im stooooooooooooooooooooked. nothing too knew with me. OH OH! funny story. Ok, as in the last entry, i explained how Andy's mom totally walked in on us on sunday, right? Wednesday night hes leaving for me house, when his mom gets home. they start talking and then shes like, "yea, so about sunday night" and andys like "i work sunday and then im going to pams, so i cant do anything" and shes like, "no i mean LAST sunday" and hes like, "oh....." lol. so she gave him a mini sex talk right there on his drive way. Her best line, according to him was "ok, just two things. 1. protection. 2. birth control....pause....you dont have to tell me anything that you dont want to" and hes like, "good, i wasnt going too" lol. and then he left. oh man i found that funny that his mom called us on that, ive been laughing hard bout it. yep. well my week was entertaining. did nothing monday. got into a fight with the parentals tuesday, then went to andys. we went skateboarding at triple one, then went back to his house and watched Alien 3. I was rather upset from the argument at my house, so he held me tight the whole night and said stupid things and jokes to make me laugh. he of course succeeded everytime :) im so lucky... wednesday Andy came over for dinner, then we rented A Beautiful Mind (most boring movie ever? wow! how i kept my eyes open i dont know...) and also went out for ice cream thursday...today. did my "dropping off of stolen stuff" (lol muffin). gotta love my mom. not. lol, anyways, then went to the mall to check out the sidewalk sale. i bought myself a new bra, which is awesome on numerious levels. first of all, this bra shopping didnt make me depressed, as bra shopping often does to me. and i found one that fits awesome, and was only 16.50$. so w00t to me! lol, then after i went to Kelseys and waited there till like, 10 when Chels was off work and we had some munchies and drinks and chated till 11 when i went home. and here i am. ive been reading a new book lately. its a little old book that goes by the name of HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE!! mmhmm i own it. had it two days and im already 1/3 of the way through. im stoked. its amazing. i cant wait till the fourth movie. it better be better then the third... *shakes fist* anyways, im making this short cuz im tired. ill right more maybe monday morning, or sooner if i get the chance. i love ya thinkerchels, and a shoulder/ear of mine will always have ur name on it. ciao bella!
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love always,
Your diary is so cute!!!

♥ steph