:Hold me in your arms♥:

Listening to: South Park
Feeling: addicted
what a weekend! thursday andy came over. we disagreed like we've never disagreed before. it was sooo sketchy, he felt bad for making me cry so much. it was just all around BAD. it was something else, ill tell you that. however, things resolved after a couple hours, and he left on a good note. friday was fun...worked till 7pm, then went to Schillings at 10 with Andy for Andrews birthday. It...sucked? half the people there went off to smoke weed, so andy, andrea, marek and i sat and chilled in the living room and watched tv/took pictures. by twelve we wanted out, So andrea dragged Andrew away, and we left as well. Andy and I went and met up with Al, Alex and two other girls at THE DAK!! hahahaha yes! i can say ive been to the DAK now, lol. Its actually not to bad in there. Al's two girlfriends was a long time friend of hers and her sister...and they didnt talk. Al and i talked the whole night instead, and she was pretty happy when they finally went home, lol. Alex and Andy played pool all nite (theyre TERRIBLY awesome(?) pool sharks, lol) Didnt get home till almost 3....oops? Saturday. was. awesome. Andy came over around 6, we had dinner and just watched tv. Around 8 we left for Chelseys, where we sat there and I drank with them all. It was great to see Jess again (who was in from BC). i havent seen her since may. Shes a loud drunk :| andy and i left with headaches, lol. it was just good to see everybody too :) except justin who was kinda creepishly drunk. After andy drove my drunk ass over to Nates and we partied there. very interesting times there... Erik/Breanna and Andy/Me had a backwords sex race...to see who would last longer. LOL, oh my. we did it in nates bed before he did, lol! Oh, and oddly enough it was a tie. crazy funny. I got THE worst brand ever... andy said he got a taste of blood?? lol. When Andy and I came back upstairs, it was nuts. Everybody had gone into nates hot tub, and were now wondering around half naked. heh, poor corey, couldnt find his clothes and was walking around naked. Too many penis's that night...lol. Kyle passed out in Nates bear skin rug, cuddling the polar bears head, lol. This really annoying girl was kinda like, flirting with andy at the beginning, and both of us are just like...can u not see hes taken? So after our sex-capades, i was sitting upstairs and she comes over and is like "where have you been for the last hour?" so i said "fucking Andy in nates bedroom." hahaha, she seemed to piss off after that. Around 2 andy and I left, and i slept over in his basement. sunday was the laziest day ever and yet im so so tired, lol. Was woken up at 10am by Pixie jumping on my face and licking me. I had a headache but wasnt hungover. Just tired. I was supposed to go home around 1, but while eating the waffles andys mom made us for breakfest, she invited me for dinner. I checked with chels, she said it was cool if we re-scheduled cuz she was tired too, so I told his mom id stay. After showering and cleaning up, Andy started work and i just chilled in his room for five hours. I had a headache, so I watched tv for a bit, took a nap, and then andy was caught up with his emails so he came and played Timesplitters with me for a couple hours while watching for any new mail. Heh, then we curled up and watched tv and it was so gosh darn cute. :) and he kept sighing happily. Pixie was curled up with us too, that dogs my little baby. His mom made this huge delicious dinner and i couldnt do anything but lay there afterwards. We watched tv for a bit, and just talked. We know what were getting each other for xmas already, lol. then he drove me home, came into my room and beat this really hard boss that i was stuck on in Chrono Trigger. How sweet. Finally he went home, and im in a very good mood now :) awesome weekend :) it doesnt feel like its 11:50pm sunday night...should only be saturday afternoon. *happy sigh* ♥
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