The Past Week

Feeling: appreciative
yes, so this is just a quick updater. I got 25 minutes to write, lets see what i get done. ---}last friday was andy's grad. SO MUCH FUN! felt like such a princess. my hair took two hours to do. it was so much fun to party with everyone, i had a blast. the dinner was good too. Got sooooo many compliments from random people. I honest to god am not lieing when i say that every time andy came back to me from whoever he was talking to/whatever he was doing, he always had the name of another person who thought i was hot *blush* i felt so good about myself on friday, which is a first! low self-esteem...right here. anyways, the night was soo much fun. safe grad started at 11:30 or so, and it was at the same place. they had a casino set up, where andy spent the most of his safe grad. i felt lonely, but hey, its his grad i wanted him to do what he wanted to do. he came and danced with me a bit, and for all the slow songs. otherwise i was dancing the night away with ian, alena, andrea, alycia, and marek. and steve kept trying to dance with me and touching my bum? ahahaha, he was sooo beyond wasted. oh yea, i had lots to drink too :) but i still remember the night. ---} Saturday slept in (considering i didnt get home till 5am from Andy's safe grad) woke up at 2, andy calls at 2:15... "hey pam, wanna come swimming with me, Allison and Alex? Ill be at ur house in 15 minutes." AH! lol, so i got dressed, etc, and was ready. he was driving the camero. Alex and i were in the back, i was hair whipping him the entire time since i didnt have a pony tail! lol, and Alison loves my music, we cranked up the r&b in the car to annoy andy, lmfao. by the time we drove back to their house, then to alex's house, and then finally to the pool it was CLOSED! lol, so that sucked. we dropped off alex and then went for ice cream the three of us. after a lasagna dinner from his mom, we watched some zombie movie we borrowed from alex, which SUCKED! lol, we both agreed. then we went to DANGER GRAD! lol, which was a "party" at Schillings house where everyone including schilling got wasted and then driving everyone home. needless to say, NOONE was at schillings, so we went to Jeffs to find him and *gasp* CURTIS! lmfao, so the four of us hopped in the camero and drove to the U of M to play pool. left at bout 1am, got home. as i got out of the car at Jeffs house, to let them outta the back, Jeff sticks his hand out to give me a handshake and then goes "ahh what the hell am i doing? u deserve a hug!" lol, and so we hugged. and Curtis gave me a hug too...turns out he doesnt hate me! dope. ---} sunday was Andy's family birthday. it was fun, good food. Alex, Allison, Andy and I stole the kids table again, and a very disgruntled Mel had to sit at the parents table alone since JEff was outta town. His Aunty Donna told me that after everything i did for Andy on his birthday, and staying by his side while he was puking and all, she said that i REALLY earned a large amount of respect from Jim Schmidt and his Uncle Jim. woo hoo for me! lol, and we played 500 outside in the front, where mels beater car and All's nice car got hit a million times. It was fun. After everyone finally left, we just sat and watched tv. we were both poooped. ---} Monday...monday what did i do. oh, grad breaky. funniest grad roasts ever, oh man i laughed so hard. grieves had us all PEGGED! especially James and I. and matt and mike's roast to the teachers was great too, i wanna go watch that again. then i worked 5-10 with meggs, and it was a lot of fun to be honest. surprised i am. ---} Tuesday. our grad. I got honors! for sure! lol, i started crying when i found out, i was so happy. (chels is my proof) convocation was in the morning, i walked away with: Honors, Performing Arts Diploma, Foods and Nutrition Diploma, High Mark awards in Foods 40S and Career Ed 40G, and a 500$ scholorship!! STOKAGE! haha, know whats awesome? Chels and I both got the high mark awards for Career Ed...99% TI BABY! haha. after that was a fast lunch at my house, and then off to get my hair done. two and a half hours later i got home, got dressed. i walked outta my room, down the hall way (where everyone was standing to see me) and they're all "oh my god, pam your so beautiful" and then i started crying and had to go re-do my makeup! lol. andy said i looked absolutley amazing tho, so yay :) the dinner and dance was awesome. MC-ing was kinda nerve-racking, especially that one time i kept screwing up!! AHAHAHAHA, mrs. ball yelled at me to stop drinking. i think the dinner and dance went off amazing tho. man, put so much hard work into that and look what came of it. The food was absolutely amazing, i was floored by the presentation. our grad song was Here's To The Night by Eve 6, and when they played it during the dance part of the evening, i cried hardcore. got mascara on andy's white shirt! oops. everybody looked beautiful tho. safe grad was awesome, i got CRUNK! lmfao chels. andy and i went to play volleyball in the sand pits with darcy and david and a couple others. needless to say it didnt end well...we had sand everywhere! trying to run in sand when drunk is hard! at the end of the night, they played our grad song again and i just balled. and kept crying all the way to the bus. and on the bus. then i fell asleep, and when i woke up i was still crying. such a great night. ---} wednesday we got home from safe grad at about 6. i went upstairs to sleep, andy in the basement. however, i set my alarm for when my mom had to leave for work, and once she left i crept downstairs and crawled into bed with Andy. We slept till like, 11 or so. After some talking, some fun times, and other things, we figured both of us could use a shower. We showered together water? ahahaha, bad excuse but it was totally wicked. andy liked it alot. then i cooked him some french toast, and we watched tv till my dad got home. then we stole the car, when to his house and let him get ready for his convocation. his was good, he won a scholorship as well, for 300$. Seeing everybody in their little gowns was so cute, ESPEICALLY CURTIS! ahahaha. and i took pictures of myself with everyone and exchanged emails. sadness followed. then we went to Schillings house for a bit, as a -post post grad party. went home early tho since we were both tired. and then thursday was lilac, which came as a huge disapointment, but ended really well. but thats another story. which ill save for when i have more time. ...there's something about you which ill never be able to explain its that something about you that makes me love you again and again...
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hey pam! i miss you! holy fuckin hell its almost been a week!! i have to talk to you actually *blush* but anyways, GET UR BUM ON MSN!! i love you
luv chels