My Anti-drug

Feeling: ecstatic
well its another thursday, so it seems due time to write again. lol. since last friday... saturday - smiths bday. cept not really? i got off work, went shopping. bought a new bra and a new wife beater. its such a different color for me. then i went to mareks and hung out with him and andy for a bit. when i finally managed to drag andy away from the video games, the three of us hit up subway/little ceasers for dinner. After, andy and i went back to his house and watched Night Of THe Living Dead. AHAHAHA it was a good movie, even tho it was from 1968. the ending was so ironic i loved it. Andys made me a huge zombie movie fan. Our goal is to find and watch all of the "of the living dead" series. anywho, after we went to smiths...yet he wasnt there? noone could find him, he had been gone for over two hours! not good. his mom was letting everyone hang out in the basement. it was the usual group, marek, tarik, aimee, jeff, alena, curtis, and Paul! (hadnt seen him since grad.) funniest part of the night was when andy goes "anybody else wanna play poool? anybody? jeff? curtis? hey marek, if ur done hitting on my girlfriend do u wanna play some pool?" LOL, oh boys i laughed so hard. curtis was really hungry too... "we got salsa too for the chips" "OH REALLY?!" ahahaha, paul and i were the only ones who heard that, and we laughed so freaken hard. finally, at twelve, alexa got a txt from him saying he wasnt going to come home till everyone was gone. so we all left. Paul, jeff, alena, curtis, andy and i went back to curtis' apartment. never been to his place before so that was cool. sat there till 1 and then andy and i went home. interesting times that night, for sure. and shit it was. soo busy. stayed 40 minutes after the store closed just to finish everything. got home, took a nice hot bath, and did homework. monday - school and work. boo. oh well tuesday - school and then a school board meeting. went with ryan erichson, it was fun. didnt get home till 9:30, where i called andy and talked with him for a while. then hit the hay wednesday, oh wednesday. IT FUCKING SNOWED. so mad. andy still came over, my mom picked him up on her way home from work (since her school is like, 3 blocks from andys street). he came over, we ate dinna, then went out and bought fireworks. yesss...stoked! lol, we dropped about 30$ in total between us on them. were gonna blow things up :) lol. we bought like, 6 roman candles each, so we can have wars with em :D im gonna die! lol, they are the first fireworks i have bought since i turned 18. we were full out beating the crap outta each other in my room last night...seriously. like i threw him off my bed, he threw pillows at me, i jumped off my bed onto him on the floor and started hitting him. he charlie-horsed me and pulled my hair. lol, it was hilarious. i loved wrestling with him. anyways, after fireworks we watched Reqruim for a Dream. weeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrddddddddd movie but actually really good. and so so sad :( made me realize that im never ever doing drugs, that shits fucked. mom came down halfways through the video and asked me to help her with some work. she snapped and somewhat yelled at me while i was trying to ask her a question. she kept cutting me off and i got so mad/upset. when she finally went upstairs, andy pulled me in close to him and held me in my arms till i was ok again. "i know the movie was sad, but i didnt think it was sad enough to make u cry." haha, he makes me smile, what a sweetie. i drove him home around 11:30, got home at 12:15, and went straight to bed. today is school, and costco with chelsey. yay! lol IM SO MOTHER FORKING STOKED FOR THE WEEKEND!! i cant believe andys coming to sandy lake with me. two months ago, it was just a thought i had. i asked my parents and they said it was cool, andy said he was in, and my grandparents said it was all good. so this is totallllllllly sweet. im really excited! lol, yay. TOMORROW!!!! yes, well i shall be on my way. my tummy is growling, i need food. later days dearrrrrrrs ♥ p.s- i now own aimees bracelet. ahahaha....its the community bracelet really. See, it was originally aimees, then jeff borowed it from her. he had it for a while, then once when andy and i were over andy asked for it, and took it. then last night i took it off andy and put it on me joking around, and then we kinda forgot about it. therfore i now have it. sweeeeeeet.
Read 2 comments
YAY costco!
OMG and the fucking cup
dammit i wish i could post that!!
Hey is it the Sandy Lake like 10 minutes out of Kenora? Because if it is that's where I have my cabin.