je suis une bitch

today, i drew this genius picture of my french teacher (je suis une bitch) with the eiffel tower coming out of her ass. it was tres successful. I had to make about 5 different copies of it for different people. wow, i should start charging...but yeah, she deserves it. She was really ragging on McKenna today...pissed me off. she really needs to turn the AC off as well. nomatter how many times someone comments about it, its still always on. yeah, we dont care if your having hot flashes. OH YEAH...i also drew another genius picture. i wont announce who it depicts though. that would only start drama. tee hee.
Read 5 comments
yay for giant headed pigeon toed people.
its me isnt it?
I think it's a rule that all french teacher have to be idiots, and mean. it sucks!
Um yeah. You're a flippin genious. She has a stick up her ass, or shall I say, the eiffel tower. <3333
zoe? can i tell you a secret?when i am around you...i shake my tailfeathers.