i dont know.

Feeling: idiotic
the fact that "i have to pee" was actually added to the current mood toolbar makes me giggle. bskdisturbed: what is the mattter? theyreXautomatic: i dont knowwwwwwwwwww theyreXautomatic: do you ever get like that bskdisturbed: yeah i am like that right now. i dont even know how to explain this. maybe its just low self esteem but it doesnt even feel like that anymore. i look in the mirror and hate what i see. i exist every day but i dont know why i do things or why im all about what im all about. i dont know why i care about you anymore. i miss the old you. the you that didnt make me feel bad. and its not like you even do it intentionally. sometimes i wonder.... i dont know why i wonder. usually i have a grip on my thoughts and on what i want and what i need and now i dont know and everything is spinning and all i really feel is i dont like where i am, i dont like who i am. when will this stop? when will i be happy again?
Read 5 comments
fast-approaching--it just whizzed right by you... and me... and everyone breathing in "selfish-act" molecules. all 6,336,049,299 of them (and counting)
haha i know exaclty how you feel right now!!! it sux
your layout is so sex.
my theory is, were all happy when were 75% satisfied.

at 99%, you always always always want that one thing you will never get.

at 74%...thats just not enough.

but at 75, we thrive.

ooooo yeah.

its 12:37 ay em

and windy

i kind of want the power to go out...

...KIND of.
if the girl with the black hair is u.. u sholdnt have low self esteam ur prettier then me i bet!!!!!!!!!