le chaton took a crap and it smells like....______.

Listening to: mewithoutyou
Feeling: apprehensive
its weird. sometimes i start thinking about how we live on a planet that is floating in space and i get so freaked out that i want to start crying. that happened earlier only i tried to distract myself by telling myself over and over again "think of the monkeys...the monkeys...." and then i fell asleep. today i saw multitudes of people that i used to be friends with. i would say hi, make small talk and then later, as they walked away say, "i used to be best friends with that girl." i always used to be best friends with someone new about every...say couple months or so maybe? for some reason the bitter thought of that happening to me and the lewis sisters attacked my brain and freaked me out so bad. i dont want to look back and think about what we used to have. no no no. their house is home and there is too much history and way too many good memories to ever leave it. this is the house that changed me. fin.
Read 6 comments
you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
yeah i know. word. yeah you were talking in your sleep too.
helllooo, its soup.
ive already added you, you plum
and if it excites you your the SECOND person to call me rad today.
HAHA! No, actually, i didn't mean to. I had the scissors just by themself and them i was like "hmmmm.... maybe a heart?" and i'm just testing it out to see how I like it. Besides, think of it as a form of flattery.

if anything happens, which it wont, it'll be YOU leaving ME
i know what you mean about the first part. sometimes it's too much to think about, and it just gets overwhelming. such a delicate system we have. i mean, wow.