room for improvement

thought of hey, "maybe i shouldnt eat today" is always going to be there. i dont think it will ever leave me. whatever, maybe i should see a psychiatrist. hey zoë, I HAVE AN IDEA. get off the fucking internet. ok.
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I sang it basically all of friday, and people started getting really irritated with me for it, because I got it stuck in their heads too. i felt bad, but I kept singing it anyway.

"Eat, Papa, eat!"
-that's from Rudolph

Out: Gretchen
so fucking what if you think that everyday, zoball? what matters is if you do that or not. now theres the strength.

but i came to tell you that you rock because i forgot you love francesca lia block and you HAVE to read "the rose and the beast" because it is fabulous. beautiful actually. check it out loserhead.

caitlin jeany weeny