Well shiver me timbers

Feeling: eager
Oh...im writing now with the greatest of ease, as i write of thyself and thee, and i never never never stop to right a letter but it is the poets life for me... Ahoy, matey's this is captian speaking, and i have come here to make the annoucement that based on recent thingies i have decided sense i like distracting myself, am pretty bored, and call myself a poet, i think i will start keeping a book much like Patric of my short ideas and poems because him and i have many good discusions that inspiration can come from and i want to look back on my creations. i hope you guys don't think i am a copy cat! but i stink at drawing and i can't play games in school, plus this is semi constructive and i don't have the attention span to reads goods, -nathan-
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Nathan you nutter. That sounds like a good idea. We'll just see if you go through with it. As for whether my thoughts are always like that... You will never know. They're my thoughts.. MINE!!! lol... Okay. You can tell I'm bored. But maybe you'll see if I keep up with this thing you've made me start. I'm gonna go find something else to do. Goodluck with your.. book of thoughts and poems...
Nathan...you never cease to...never mind.