yes *score* touchdown

Feeling: thrilled
I need a I am so happy...I was late over 10 times...and I am not getting a suspension...just two detentions...:) yay and no one even found out about the skipping that's a teacher's marked me here...yay because ms.Darling is stupid...and Ms.Cappalanoestaster...or whatever the fuck her name is ....thinks my name is she marked me here and katelyn absent...yay :)...ugh god...last night...I went swimming...with keena and paul? god he has a nasty looking body...but it was fun...cause it was so damn hot!...*sweats just thinking about it* lol...k well I'm in class so I'm gonna go back to doing class work...-cassie xox
Read 2 comments
thats so awesome i wish i cood get away lik that but my tachers fucking do sucks
Hey chicklet. What's up? There's these evil beavers up by my house. lol. I'm serious too...Anyway, have fun, I guess, I forgot what I was gonna say. xoxo Chelle