
Feeling: achy
owwwwwwwwwwwwwww... owies hilo...i'm going up stairs for a while because this just maddens me and i hurt and i dont feel good ok?so talk ya up later bye *i'm out peace dawgs*shudders did i just say that?*ewwwwww bye-cassie........i love ppl frends u know who u are
Read 7 comments
I kinda like working at mickey d's, cuz I close alot and the closing managers are kick ass:-D but it makes you gain like 20 lbs.
hehe thanks. oh man i just changed it too! ill change it back after valentines day. i just thought it was more appropriate. thanks for the commennt. random commentsv are the best. :)
i never wanted to kill myself, just looking for an escape..i found it but ppl dont like it, then i realized that it could kill me, and now i am being tested for a learning disablity hmmm i think i spelled that wrong *snobby salesperson but austrailian...? guy accent with a hint of british* good day, cheerio!

that made me hungary

and i have no food

damn beavers..
whats wrong with a pic of a crazy mexican?
haha, no internmet for yoooooooooou...
-guess whooo
Fan of Jack Off Jill? Fucking awesome man! I really dont mind when I gain or lost weight, whenevr I stop working at mickey d's for like a week my weight drops like 5 lbs so I figure when I quit I'll lose it all again.
your friends must be awesome...because i am beyond the shit