My muse

Feeling: awestruck

I never really understood the term
"make love" I only understood sex.
he taught me what making love is. and for that I am greatful

I have an account on allpoetry now. and i have read some beautiful words in the past night, and i must say that my poems are favorited by a published poet!
I have a vcr on the way to record my shows while I am taking classes, I refuse to miss episodes of 90210 and house.
I love being healthy.

p.s-you can find me at allpoetry by going to READS are what I need!


I came very close to a first today. I went to the Love website, the collaboration show with cirque de soleil and the Beatles, I listened to sections of the soundtrack and it is an amazing soundtrack. It brought me to the verge of tears, The Beatles take me to another place, where everything is lovely nothing is ever wrong in my world with the beatles. i know it's weird, but that is how i feel.

Read 1 comments
I'm from montreal, so i know it's pretty sweet. (legal age is 18 here.) I was just really surprised because there are not many canadians on sit diary. Do you live in toronto?