Tess and I should have gotten out at the Forum and gone to see the Klaxons. It would have been the perfect most fateful moment. But we didn't; she wasn't that enthusiastic and I am supposed to be having tonight off to do my folio work which is due on Friday (argh STRESS) and I'm working all week so hah, pretty much my last chance.
But I have to clean my room, that means, because I have to find my assessment sheet so I can determine what I need to do to pass. Marcia calls this procrastination. I call it cleaning my room for the first time in 20 months, thus, a vitality.
But the reason it would have been fateful is simply this: Tess was the one who introduced me to the Klaxons. I felt like she was really the first one I could talk to at that place (she was the one who trained me) and I always looked at her as someone... irrepressibly cool. (I don't think that's a word. Shut up.) Just... completely. I have come to learn more about her in the last seven months that has made this view change slightly. But today was the first time that I worked with Tess since, well, my last day of training, which was essentially the first week of March this year. A long time ago. So it seemed like fate that we worked together, then the tram stopped outside the Forum, as we both read the same thing: 20/10 - KLAXONS.
Damn. I'm not filled with that much regret though. There are other things in my life that I regret more than not getting off that tram...
We went to 7-Eleven and bought slurpees. Mine was lemonade, Tess' was raspberry and neither of us were happy with our choice. Marcia got orange juice instead.
Kavitha came into the store, and looked at my nametag. "You're not Tess."
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