Listening to: What She Said - The Smiths
Feeling: thirsty
and I need to cling to something...
The worst thing I have ever done in my entire life is fucking up the plasma. That's it. I'm dead. As soon as my dad gets home or my brother turns on the TV they will see the image that is BURNED ON THE FUCKING TELEVISION AND I AM SCREWED AND I WILL DIE AND OH MY GOD I FEEL LIKE I AM ABOUT TO EXPLODE
Okay. Possibly not the worst thing I've ever done. But still. I am about to be slaughtered.
All because I had to go outside and smoke for half an hour while letting the Black Books DVD menu run over. WHAT THE FUCK. ISN'T THE DVD PLAYER MEANT TO HAVE A SCREEN SAVER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I am hyperventilating.
Plus the wind hates me - I was trying to light that cursed cigarette and it burnt my thumb, which now hurts like hell. I don't know, there has to be a lesson somewhere here. Probably should turn the music down, can't hear the phone if it rings. Neighbours might also be annoyed. But then again ones deaf and the other doesn't speak enough English to warrant coming over and striking up an angry conversation.
Well I know what I'm going to anyway, just not let my father see the menu for Black Books ever so he can't pin it on me. Go on Eileen. Practise your lie. ARGH I'm fucked!
Where's the wine
Last night Sarah, her friend Steph and I went to The Comfortable Chair and made Groucho Marx out of the leftover pizza toppings and the remains of the edges.
Completely awesome.
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