I left my bikini and clothing at Tess' house and now I'll never get it back, mehhhhh.
"I like your dress."
"I mean, it's something I'd wear as a top, but..."
"I'm kidding!! I was making fun of your shortness!"
I bought a new dress yesterday in anticipation of the BBQ. To be honest, I was a tad nervous about the evening given that I rarely go to things where I don't know many of the people attending. But as it turned out, I had a lot of fun, and I knew more of Tess and Lucy's friends than I had expected to. I really liked my dress: twas grand. And jumping into the pool was interesting, to say the least. Lyndon was amused by the revelation that I cannot swim, thus calling on... Barton [? I think that was his name, he was being talked about earlier, poor lad, for not being able to "pick up for OVER FOUR MONTHS!" oh how we laughed], the champion swimmer, to discuss this. Everyone in the pool ended up on the inflated object at one point and by the end of the night Ellyn [a uni friend] and I were instructed by Matt [a second uni friend] not to speak of the freeballing incident ever again.
I do believe I may have offended Lucy whilst drunk; I do remember waving my kebab around for about half an hour as I talked, and having her pick at my salad and potatoes being forced upon us, and at around the same point me being entirely rude. I hope it wasn't too bad though, because I know she isn't the confrontational type [I just have to listen to her talking about Tessa sometimes to feel for the girl] and she did seem to disappear for a while. WHYYYYY GOON?! Goon is horrid. Second only to Midori, my most despised of all beverages. Speaking of which, where is my Perrier? Oh, and you KNOW I'm putting on a faux French accent as I say that. I would simply not be proper without.
This morning, as I plowed my way through a Stephanie Plum novel [What's the author's name? Janet something? I spent the day in bookstores, you'd think I'd have picked it up], it occurred to me that I may have been forgotten. I had called in sick[ish] to work, allowing me the luxury of a sleep in. But given that I had still not been roused by noon, nor one, I began to suspect that fair Tessa and co may not be aware of my ongoing presence. OF COURSE this was a painful dilemma, as without my drunken pride THERE WAS NOTHING BUT AWKWARDNESS LYING AHEAD! Thankfully, after several failed attempts at trying to get friends to drive by Kew ["What? Where's that?!"] to pick me up, I finally opened the door just as Tess was coming down the stairs. She jumped at the sight of me; apparently she was so hungover [COMING OFF THREE GLASSES OF GOON PEOPLE! And I'm the lightweight] that she had forgotten I was there. Oh instincts, you never do me wrong. As she was just about to leave for work, I departed alongside, stealthly avoiding any contact and potential awkward "Oh, she's still here... why didn't she come out?" stares. I really have to work on that. The departure is the worst. And I'm also getting a baaaaaad reputation as someone who never goes home. Speaking of which, I have not yet cleaned my teeth, despite my ever present toothbrush. I may go tend to that.
-Black Books 2
-Middlesex by Jeffery Euginides
-The Nanny Diaries [it's really funny! The novel, I mean; have not seen the movie, I'm kind of movie-retarded. Although I did see I Am Legend and 27 Dresses last week. The former was a lot better.]
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