That certain someone?

Listening to: None..
....Honestly, I think I'm just doomed to be alone forever... I find that the more I hope that one day I'll meet that special guy, the more my hopes are defeated.. I'm still young. It's not that I'm in a hurry, It's just, here I am. Stuck in this little rivet, alone. When everyone else is out there enjoying the company of someone they love. Dating even getting married. Seeing your friend getting married, where realtionship wise you are still playing with barbies( or in my case throwing them in the nearest pond) is really degrading and stabbing at the hopes of..well...the hopes of being loved. It's me. ....Obviously. Ok. Ok. Let's go through this little self-pity ranting thing. Humor me. Me. I'm not gorgeous. I'm just kind of plane. Not hideous, I'll give myself that, but nothing special. (Hideous in comparisson to a run over,decaying toad) I'm not a nice person. I have very little sympathy for anyone and...apparently that's not a good trait. All in all, I'm a failure in life and I don't really care. This hasn't gone anywhere and most of what I typed is meaningless. I'm a complete introvert and I don't like talking to people. I hate using phones and I hate pizza. I love snakes and I love metal. I love music in general. I hate wallowing in self-pity, yet I do it all the time. I don't like most of my family and pasta is amazingly over-rated. I love softball and the yankees although I never watch baseball. I'm a complete loser,yet i'm comfortable with the way I am...yet I hate who I am. I can be extremely hypocritical and I'm convinced I have some sort of mental disorder. It could very well be hypocondria... I...hate seashells and I'm not a romantic person. The more I think about it, I hate the human race,men included. My heart has been broken several times, by people that didn't even know they had done anyhing. I let people walk all over me, yet I say that I don't take shit from anyone. I'm weak, but I will say otherwise. I hate people. I hate...I don't know. I don't really care. This has been a awesome example or narcisism. I hope you enjoyed.
Read 14 comments
i love you.

oh, and i'm back. ;)
ur gorgeous.
inside and out.
plus i dont talk to ugly people.
here we go again
with the comments
all of the comments!
u'll probably be pissed cuz they are all from me. lmao.
i hope ur life is going well... yr top_left scares me. lmao. but it looks like me. yes. i scare myself.
i need a new layout. for sure. i like urs. its so unique. i love it. so much.
I HEART YOU!!!!!!!!!
In all honesty, I'm sure you've heard this(and will) a MILLION times.. But seriously, I'm at the same point in my life.. I'm young, Yet I want to find that special guy and just have a little stability to fall back on. I don't know. I'm a wreck.
Ha, I guess you're right about the whole cat thing.. But I really just want a relationship to work out, y'know?
you are not doomed to be alone.

YOU HAVE ME!!!! how's school and stuff.
lol damn u are so lucky i get of school on the 13th. wtf. lol life has been decent but i think it will get better this summer, i don't know why. maybe cuz school will be over. lol.... i dont think i'll want to go back to school after summer. ahahha... =[ oo softball!!! yay what position are u? i didnt play an actual sport i was the manager of the boys tennis team, that was fun.
yeah, guys can really totally suck sometimes. i hate it. blaaaaaaaah.
felicia hearts you
FELICIA LOVES YOU! lol just stopping by to show my darling some love. hope all is well..
