ok the whole anchalada

ok so i just read haileys diary shes all sad and junk just like every one else and she said tht i donttell her tht i dont like her very much but i tell every one else well bye riting it in here this is how i tell her cuz i kno she reads it its easiyer this way i guess and she brought up a good point i never really did liek her cuz when i first met her i couldnt stand her i would always pushher and stuff and say i didnt mean it lol sneaky aint i lol so ne way then we got real close for a while but now i cant stand her ne more but i dont push her i just keep my distance and idk y she is so hurt she has better ppl then me she has roxie and cc and jessica and other ppl so now here is teh hard part y i dont liek her very much idk y but im going to try my hardest to explain even tho it might not make very much sense or sound very harsh and mean im not trying to be mean im just trying to exp[lain mabe it only sounds mean in my head idk so here we go ok on ething i never liked about hailey was how sensitive she was like a baby shes babyish i guess she needs to grow up into a kid (tht sounded real harsh in my head so if it sounds harsh in ur too i dont really mean for it to sound tht way) and she annoys me sum times and we all kno i dont like to be annoyed like tht blinking this hse dose when sumones talking to her shell blink real hard and mover her face toward u i dont like tht its anoying just makes me wanna slap her and shes weak not in the sense of lifting things but in perosnality they way she thinks about her slef like she will tell a joke and then at the end shell be like ok ill shut up now or if sumone says ur ugly(usally me ) she gose i kno and then shes always like im so fat ( which she is not) and she also says im so poor i dont liek it when ppl look down on themselves its just pathetic ppl should be proud of wat they r (not concided) just proud or say sumthin mean back liek if i say good lord ur ugly she sould reply with a nast remark straight back stick up for ur slef be strong i think if u weak u diserve to be treated harshly or used and steped on (yes i kno ive thought tht line over and over in my head before i rote it . and i kno it sounds harsh but i cant deny it cuz i kno thts the way i feel ) so if there r ne weaklings out there and r treated badly u diserve it for not sticking up for ur slef ya i kno dont be mad cuz i said mean things cuz if u didnt wanna see me type mean things or say em or think em then u shouldnt have read this far u should have stoped back up at where i said i dont like hailey very much ass holes ugh i kno im gonna get sum comments on this from roxie sayin its mean but idc i dc much at all and haileys all cryish it didnt bothe rme im glad it didnt but i knew it would lol im baby sittin now and its just sami so it real easy i guet to do w/e i want o and bad news guys my mom is coming home 2marrow but good news guys cesar will have his job back and cc and roxie can come over while my grand ma is gone and we can get high YAY lol u still thinkin about the mean things ? me too idk who im talkin to but ya lol just suck it up im just wondering if i real wanna put this entry up or not cuz i kno its gonna come up 2marrow but every one wanted to kno why i dont reallly like hailey and there is more i just cant think of it TTFN
Read 2 comments
i guess i always sorta knew what you meant when you said you found hailey "annoying"
but whatever
actually i dont think what youre saying is mean i think it is the truth and it needed to be said for some closure
of course its gonna hurt hailey but im sure she has a whole list of things she doesnt like about all of us too
no matter how much she denys that
so whatever say what you mean and mean what you say
i luv ya
bye byes =)
p.s. change your age
i still love you dani.
but i love hailey too
and i will feel terrible if i dont stick up for her, you know?
thats why i wrote the comment on the age thingy
but i love you