Sorry, I haven't wrote in my diary in like 4 days. Let me fill you in on want happen... 2 days ago monday, robert broke up with me. I was really pist off. I cryed 3 times on monday. I cryed on the bus, A lot of guys came up to me and was comforting me and i was happy about that but still... Monday night i called Robert and asked him y he broke up with me. He wounldn't tell me cause he didnt want to hurt my feelings. i finaly found out, he said that he likes me as just a friend. i cryed for the hole 20 minutes i talked to him on the phone. While we were on the phone he told me that he still want to go to Valleyfair together and i said ok because he is still my friend and i cant be mad at him forever. When we were together i wanted to tell him something like.....
-Right now i really want to kiss you, i dont care if it is on the cheak, i dont care if it is on the lips but i do know that i love you.
-I love you cause you are my best friend and i can tell you things that i cant tell most guys. I like being able to open up to y.
-Sence 7th grade i have liked you and at last we are together. it might be meant to be or might not but right now i am so happy to be with you.
-i know that last time when we went out i really didnt talk to you and i am sorry for that but now i really dont know y i was so shy. you have alway been my friend.
-Do you love me? That is the qusetion that i have been wanting to ask you but i am to scard you are going to say NO. At fun night when you told me that you loved me, did you mean it or did you say it cause amanda told you to?
Now that we are broken up i really miss talking to Robert on the phone ever night, now i feel wierd at night cause i dont talk to Robert. I miss you Robert!!!!
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