(18) Wednesday

Today i get my hair done. Am so happy. I have been whating for a long time. Well yesterday i got grounded off the phone and off the computer. But all i have to do is go to my dads house and use his. Well am grounded for 2 weeks cuz I have to learn to keep my mouth shut and not talk back. I reasion at the top of my diary say: I Hate Amiee, Try Changing it now Bitch. Is cuz i hate her. I hate the way she acts to amanda and jake. She really is a bitch. I know she hates me to but i don't care. I could care less what she thinks. And if she reads my diary i dont give a rats ass what she think. Fuck You!!!! Try changing it now Bitch!!!! Before she changed it to Am Stupid. She knows my password but not no more. Well my week end it going to be boring. Im have a garage sale. fun fun. That means i have to call robert cuz he wants to hang out when we were going to have the sale. but i don't think am going to call him. Well thats all for now
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