I'm just so happy.

Listening to: ben folds- fired
Feeling: psycho
Dear Gretchen: Congratulations! On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you a place in the Class of 2010 at Clark University. This offer of admission is contingent upon the successful completion of any academic work you are currently undertaking. In recognition of your outstanding academic and personal achievements, the Admissions Committee voted to award you an $8000 Achievement Scholarship. This award is a special honor and is given to students who show great potential for academic success. Your award is renewable for all four years of study at Clark. Please refer to the enclosed scholarship award description and renewal criteria for details. In addition, if you have applied for financial assistance from Clark, you will hear separately regarding any need-based aid for which you may qualify. The Clark University experience is distinguished by a transformative liberal arts education in a research university setting. You will have the opportunity to engage in scientific research, art projects, urban development and social change initiatives, and other challenging projects that are creating new knowledge and addressing real-world issues. Our students grow in remarkable ways because of the connection they create with each other and the faculty. Our president, John Bassett, likes to describe us as a community of learners, and while that is very true, we are also a community of individuals who care deeply about the world and are committed to using our skills, talents and insights to make a difference. Come visit us in April. Even if you have already visited, we will have special options throughout the month to help you learn more about Clark. Our formal Admitted Student Open House is scheduled for April 22 (invitations will be sent under separate cover.) Whether you visit on the 22nd or at another time during the month, you will discover for yourself some of the qualities that distinguish Clark from other universities. Also visit our admitted student website at www.clarku.edu/classof2010 for online forms and opportunities to connect with members of the extended Clark community. I wish you all the best as you consider the exciting options ahead of you. Please accept our sincere wishes for a happy and successful conclusion to your studies. Yours sincerely, Harold M. Wingood Associate Provost Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
Read 3 comments
wow that's neat. i live in Maine. Brewer, Maine.
i'm just so proud!
