it's the end of the world as we know it

So...high school's over. How very terrifying for me. I think that out of my class, I'm probably the least ready to leave. Which sucks. But I obviously can't just stay in one phase of my life forever. Then I'd never grow up, and this is just life, not Neverland. Graduation was yesterday afternoon. I marched with Lukas and the people in front of us weren't stepping right at all and it threw us off and sucked but it's cool. I received a $500 art scholarship and my diploma and my aunt wore sunglasses with blinking lights. Speeches were given and the chorus sang "For Good" from Wicked and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and we marched outside to leave and wait for our families. I do not know why I didn't cry, because I was certainly ready to. After pictures and searching for my parents (whom I never found there), I rushed home to change and get money for Project Graduation. So, of course, I changed and got money and then drove back to school even faster, stopping at Subway for food. The senior class met in the old gym, got breathalized, and then everyone hopped on one of three buses heading to the Boston harbor for our little cruise thing. We watched Tommy Boy and Forrest Gump on the way there and attempted to watch Edward Scissorhands on the way back but that was tough since we got back at 8 this morning. The cruise itself though was much more fun than expected and I'm glad I went. The weather was beautiful for it. The only sad part was when the hypnotist convinced the chinese exchange student that she had eleven fingers and she started to cry. Boo hypnotist with speech impedement, boooo. I missed work this morning because I was so damn tired. I'll put pictures up sometime maybe. Bye high school.
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I remember being scared too, but moving on with your life will be exciting I promise. Project GRaduation soundsl like fun. I wish my high school had something like that. Also, boo to your high school chorus for singing for good at graduation. I will admit to being brought to tears by that song, but certainly not by some cheesy high school chorus (and I should know - I was in 4 choruses in high school). but s&g - nice choice!
congrattttsss <3<3<3<3<3
Badre is a badass nickname.
Gretchen? More like GREATchen.
I'm off to make myself a feast and it is midnight.

I had a quesadilla and two grilled cheeses.