OMG IM THE MOST EXCITED PERSON IN THE WORLD AT THIS VERY MOMENT!!! ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL AND THEN WE'RE OUT BABY!!!!!!!! one final tomorrow..but that's math and its easy!! and then i saw miles today in school! and he's deff the hottest dude to walk our planet! and he gave me this *ADORABLE smile* wow enough to make my lil' heart melt. :) haha just kidding but he's a cutie! then pagie made me call him with her and ask what sessions he's goin to camp! AND HES GOING 2 AND 3 the same as me cept i'm goin 4 too! pagie is muh bff and i love her soso much its incredible!!! we gonna b THE best of FRIENDS at camp its gonna rawk:D!!!! and it all starts JUNE FREAKING 6! AHHH YAY!!! yep AND THEY FOUND MY WALLET! they sent it bak from DiSNEY WORLD!!! and so i got my $85 season pass and my hollister card bak; BUT not my 50 dolla in cash ((STOLEN)) but its k!!!! nothin' can bring down THIS MOOD!! and we had swim practice and it was fun!! and easy because the lil 1O yr olds had practice with us todayyy!! :D!!! Dude i'm soo happppppppy=D!!!!!! summmer!! o yeah and this weekend i getta go with jenna and maybe emily and rachael up to jen's cabin in the N. GA mountains!! we getta swim in a waterfall and stuff! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! MIDDLE SCHOOL! high school next year! walton im so scared! well im gonna try to upload a pic of my lil' high harbour boys on here..LATER GUYS=D!!!!!!
Kk here's my bestie PAGE!!!