hey kids!! soo friday was the last day of school..and we basically signed yearbooks all day..and then ms saine picked us up after school and we drove straight to jenna's cabin! its a loonnnnnng drive up those mountains for someone who gets motion sickness. lol but we went on this swing and it was really fun! i kept grabbin onto this tree and hanging there..and then i like let go of the swing..being the idiot i am..and hadda climb/fall out of the tree. yeah im a smart cookie. then we just hung out. we ate at this place called Turners on the way up..it was like the only place for like 50 miles..lOl yeah and then on saturday mornin' we went to this freeeezing cold waterfall. it must've been like 40 freakin degrees..but i swam lots anyway! then we went back up the mountain to change, then down again and we went bowling. that was fun even though i got 4th place (out of 4) by like 75 points. not really, but it was a pretty crushing lose. then we ate mexican and lazed around all of saturday..and came home sunday. i think i might go to white water tomorrow..since i hav my pass..and yuh..i'm so just so happy its summer and its going to be freakingly awesome! k well everyone have a nice day!!
me climbing a tree!
emily rachael me and jenna w/ our yearbooks
jenna and me on the back porch
us at the waterfall! and we're not lameo's who wear one pieces--it was just so dang cold!!
me goin' down the waterfalll...yehpp i'm cool..lOl
..YeP n thats it for now!
Listening to: My Band // d-12
Feeling: happy
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