So hold me when I'm here right me when I'm wrong.
Hold me when I'm scared and love me when I'm gone.
Yesterdayy was good. School was momma to take me to the avenue. 3 shirts and a shirt...yeeahh. Then i came home and helped my brother with his homework...he actually said some pretty funny things. We were talking about girls and stuff..and hes like lauren don't tell anyone this, but when i was five i had a crush on britney spears. AHAHAHHA. Gotta love the booger. Then he was trying to tell time and he's like brain hurts. but he was serious haha. Then i did myy homework and my mom wouldn't take me to the gym. Had some special k and watched the apprentice with my momma. Took a shower and hit the sackkk. Todays been good...woke up early and got ready. my brother forgot his lunch and my mom wanted me to bring it to i went and saw ms. 4th grade teacher and ms. marks my target teacher! DORK i know but i missed them :)..came to school. Like NO ONE is here. Nottt coool. Lunch with phil and jeremy and conner. Conner poured freaking water all over me. He was being really gay. Heh. That's ze day so far.
Plans for tonight...hanging out with jeremy. Rachael -- i'll call you if i don't go!! Nothing else realllly. Hopefully mall saturday. Still have to do that STUPID road rally for geography.lAUREN
haha that's funny about your bro! don't u just love convos with your little brother? haha they're always very interesting... omg we gotta go to church soon! i HAVE to get that final life night done and over with! do u know when the next one is?! ttyl love you!!
hey...i really like ur diary...its soo ur well ttyl,
have a good SB '05:)))))))
-i got 2 lacrosse games over SB how nott kewlll:(( lol