Like the rain...

Listening to: KiCKS 1O1.5
Feeling: bored
Like the rain, I am fallin' for you.. Pictures of the 2/3 Emily, Me, & rachael in DSW. We cool. Em & Rach in the car. Boreedd. Worddd :P No life yuh. This weekend has been wonderfull. Let's start out with friday. Went out to dinner with mom, dad, jeremy and brian. It actually wasn't a disaster like i had pictured...seeing as my brother marked it his goal to make it the worst night of my life. Mmm. Got ice cream [cookie dough duh] and then went back to the house. Showed jeremy my room and then went downstairs. He played a game with my brother [TOO NICE!..but he lost anyway] and then i kicked him upstairs. Hung out on the couch for a few hours and just watched the games and stuff. Wish that coulda lasted forevverr. He left around 11..i loooveee that boy. Now it gets funny. Normally i get woken up by conner in the early hours of the morning. Its like tradition or something. But this time i wasn't with i figured hey-ya, a phone-call-less night of sleep. Think again. 2:15 AM -- I hear my annoying ring tone..but think i am dreaming. 2:35 AM -- Realize i am NOT dreaming. Pick up. Who is it? Phil, Conner & Sean. What do they want? Nothing. All i remember about the conversation was them telling me i sounded funny. Well duh..i'm SLEEPING. Then i got woken up AGAIN at 1O:3O by my parents. They never wake me i incoherently ask if its easter. Felt quite stupid when they said'..uhm no honey its not easter.' But then they gave me this long pep talk in not getting too caught up in jeremy or serious or whatever whatever. Wasn't really listening. Got a shower and then went to the mall with emily and rachael. Got a pair of shorts and shoees. No bathing suit thoughh. Ughh. Then back to the casa for dinner and emily left for her date with conner [glad you had fun!!] Then rachael stayed until 11 and we worked on my gay mosaic. That wasn't fun. Went to bedd and got up and found my basket. It was under my dining room table as always..ever since they hid it under the dining room table when i was like 5, and it took me an hour to find it and they wouldn't tell me where it was. And i started crying because my brother and sister were already playing with their shovels and pales. Fond easter memories. ATTEMPTED church..but we couldn't even get down the street threw the traffic. Noottt goooddd. Didn't do anything today. Ate lots o chocolate, cleaned my room, and did homework.Oh so fun. Its been raining and tornado warnin' all day long...loooveee the rain but miss the sunshine. SOO Excited for summer and spring break! 5 days for SB and 6 weeks for summer! Ahhh its greeeeatttt. Lots of stuff to do this week though...gonna be crammed. LOOOOVVINNNG the sunshine and jeremy and my friends and my life and its just so great!!! LOVELAUREN SPRiNG BREAK - 5 DAYS
Read 7 comments

Theres no way your 14. wow what a petifile I am.....
I would have thought older. at least 18. I should be tazered for saying to myself hey shes a hottie.
Yeah, used to be a soldier. Just a statistic now. Once im finished here at the hospital im going to be unfit for service. Well at least i get a check every month now for the rest of my life..only 55,000 rubs though.
aw that last pic is adorable of you!! sucks you're not going to santa rosa... but have a kick ass time in panama!! iLu!
hehe thanks i like yours too=)