And i just don't see, how you could ever be..anything but mine.
Today isss tuesday. Kinda a long week. Science test next period. Gonna fail, i know it. Yesterday was boring. I just sat around and ate chocolate. And it was nasty outside. Didn't work out even. Katie and John are now going out?! Whatteevver good for them i suppose. Although john made me pretty mad at lunch today..took my 3OO dollars out of my purse..and said something along the lines of 'well atleast he isn't boring like jeremy.' Anyone that knows him knows he isnt boring..and even so i'd rather have a boring boyfriend than a mean one. But whateverr. Duhhrr..nothing to write about. So i'll update when i get home...Edit* Today was pretty good. Science test wasn't too horrible, essay was freakin hard,and lit was boring as usual. Taylor tripped on the hill. AGAIN. He tripped yesterday too. Aww, what a ditz. Came home and ate. Alot. My diet kinda fell apart. OHH Well. Attempted to get a laying outside on my porch in my bathing suit for an hour. I bet i looked real cool. Sad thing is..i think i am paler from when i started. Hmph. Went to nicole's house and planned on running. But katie came over and we ended up just making fun of each other for an hour. That was fun..i miss hangin' out with them. Came home and ate my wendys fruit plate :] Talked to my babyyyy online for a little while. He doesn't ever make any sense and he's a horrible typer..but i loveee him anyway.
Parents received my phonebill.Over 23OO Minutes. Whos popular? Hahha just kidding. But my bill was only 1O dollars over. And thats cause of text messaging. Mother didn't like the 12 AM phonecalls that lasted for 138 minutes. On school nights. She was gonna take my phone away after 9..but smoooth talker righ hurr got out of it. Actually wasn't dificult..just said OHH geez i won't talk anymore. Charmer, what can i say. Took a shower and dried my hair. Actually got dizzy. Pathetic, but i think its cause i..yahno moved too fast around my room. AHAH!! We have our Jane Eyre essay rough draft due tomorrow. Did i finish? Noo. Did i start? Nooo. But i have a good feeling about this one. Well im getting pretty tired..time for beddy.lAUREN
i love your diary!! AHHH!! =] how do you get the smiley faces and stuff in your entries?? and how do you still have your layout even when people leave you comments? i mean, if you leave one on my SITd then the background would turn out like blueish.
please help!!
mother fucker u fuck ur mom
fucken ugly ass hoe
I hope you ment 30 dollers. cause isnt 300 USD alot? So that reminds me what grade are you in.
please help!!