Camp was..amazing

And i know, I know that I must leave you Even though you never will leave me And tomorrow, I hope that I will see you If not in person, in my memories.. HAD to have been the most amazing and life-changing two weeks of my entire life. Since i had so many amazing times, ill just write about the most memorable. SO my cabin. 8 girls, 4 guys. Then there's Kelly, Brittany and Matt, the most AMAZING counselors ever -- plus our AWESOME PD, Sarah. Camping out on Goat Island -- which we did twice -- was pretty cool. We ate taco salad, did a scavenger hunt, and sang by the camp fire which was amazing. Had some fun screaming across the lake to the people back at camp, the echo was INCREDIBLE! Service projects at camp! Cory, Matt, and I all powerwashed the blacktop. It was FUN! Cept i got kindaaaa dirty. Then we loaded wood into a cabin for awhile, and did KP for camp a handful of times. Morning exercise. Started off waking up at 7 and doing pilates. Then we transitioned to MATT MARRS exercises. We had to lunge to the loft and then do like 100 pushups plus a bunch of other stuff. Needless to say, i was sore for like 3 days. But just knowing i had completely the exercise was a pretty cool feeling. Repelling and cliffjumping. Stuff you basically don't get to do that often. I got to do this really awesome repel off a cliff into the water. THEN i got to cliffjump off the lower cliff. I did a split off the rock =). HAHA so COOL! The weekend trip. KIND OF boring. Went to Ruby falls in TN and saw this cave tour. Then we went to the incline railroad and then camped out in tents. OOH the rain came down. Then the next day we woke up and went to the ronald mcdonald charity house and cleaned for them. It was really cool to help someone else. WELL i will definetely finish this later..there's just so much! LOVE YOU!
Read 8 comments
hey!had an awesome time with you at camp...I miss it too...
glad you had fun!!! i missed you so much and im so glad ur home!! i love you!! -emily-
hey im really glad ur home 2!! we get to finally hang out for days straight lol!!!
yay laurens home =) i wasnt even pissed. but ur comment left me blow up.its the fact that you LEFT me and rachael and conner to go with john and you barely talked to us the whole time. i was NOT alone with conner if you remeber rachael was there.this happens every time we are with a group so im not picking this special time out. i dont wanna start something. but fighting SORTS THINGS OUT so they never happen again.hope this sorts things out.
And are you still with your Jeremy!? Whats the update heh
Thats great! =) I got worried for a second , haha. Well goodluck with him and have an awesome summer also! =)