Today has been alright? Got an 88 on my math quiz. All A's on the report card..wahoo. And now i'm in webpage. Kyle just said 'Can you just put your hand on my mouse and help me' . HAHAHAH that was good.
Well, more later. Hasta.
Edit. Today was freakin' boring. Got home, Chloe came over..then i went over to her house. Didn't do much of anything. Cept for when we lit like 3O candles and then spill all the wax all over her dresser and floor. So smart.
. Talked to jeremy for a little..just fantastic news..he's going away to SC again this weekend. So that makes the chances of actually hanging out... oh wait, there are none. Pretty pathetic when you've been dating for a month and you've hung out twice, one time for which he's gotten busted for, AND this is a record of TW0 weeks for not hanging out. Let's shoot for three, OH PLEASE.
..W/e, might as well get used to it. HANGING OUT doesn't seem like a concept that is going to be included in the 'relationship' anytime soon. Don't get me wrong children, i'm happy. Just annoyed.
Well i'm out. Have a good day, night, whatever.