I'm hanging by a moment here with you...
Today was good!! Spanish...got like 21 participation points. Ohh yeahh. Math...boouuyy that lady DON'T LIKE ME!"Any questions lauren?" Derr noo..cept i have no idea whats going on. Plus travis talks alot so i can never pay attention. Lunch -- Sat with phil conner and jeremy and eric. Errr...it was interesting?! Eric's farts...smell like death. He cleared the whole table!!! :D Its fun though. Webpage was good...listened to kyles PoD..he's got awesome musicc. This is where it gets fun...ORTHODONTIST!!! Let's start out with saying that my upper left teeth hurt like bitches. I had some rookie girl who is new to the office...and shes realllly sloooww. Missed science and geography...durrrnnn. Came back for seventh so i don't lose my incentive...got a 94 on my jane eyre test!..which is cool since i didn't readdd it :) Road the bus home and talked to shelli. Came home and ate a bagelll. Watched my recorded CSI MARATHON. Jeremy called and we talked for awhilee. Ate subway. Thats my day.
2 monthes today!!
I even was a good girlfriend for once and i made him a card...nothing big thoughh. He ACTUALLY wanted to get me something? I told him not to and i would be angry if he did. Which i would...because what he gives me is not what makes me happy..i♥him
Not much else...plans for weekend/thursday: thursday possibly studying with taytalah. For the odyssey test. Yeeess. Friday...definetely & hopefully hanging out with jeremy..since he is leaving on saturday for easter in SC.Noo idea what we're doing though..any suggestions? NOT the movies!..? Since thats ALL I EVER DO. Ahem. Then saturday i think i'm hanging out with nicole. Haven't seen her in forever and i kinda miss the big loser.
Hahahhaha __This was kind-of funny.LaUrN178: TELL me something interesting.Dlax238: The average dick is 6 inches long.LaUrN178: SO ARE YOU BELOW OR ABOVE AVERAGE?Dlax238: Above.^^ You cool tayluhla.lAUREN*