Here's my heart..I'll let you break it.
Prolly the last entry i'll write before spring break. Enjoy :D Yesterday was pretty good i'd say. Weather was AWESOME during the day.. and i LOVE thunderstorms at night. Keep my windows open all day now.Ooohh do i love summer. School was good. 82 on odyessy test. 6O on math quiz. Smartie i know :]. Hung out with nicole again. She makes me laugh -- I missed her all this time!! So we laid out for like...5 minutes then realized we were bored so we ate. Went on a run. Came home and did homework forevveerrr. Talked to Jeremy online while doing my Jane Eyre essay. Got in the shower around 12:2O and sleep around 1. I need to start going to bed earlier ; On account of i wake up at 6:25 every morning. What i will do for my hair. Pshh. Had like a billion tests today. Spanish quiz, math test |[FLUNK]|, geography test, and impossible LIT quiz. It was really gross outside today. All humid and stuff. It'll be sunny in PANAMA CITY though. I am SO excited..beach, possibility of getting tan, ocean, no family :, HOT WEATHER, NO JEANS :D, and of course my two best friends. What could be better?? Only bad thing is i won't get to see jeremy everyday like usual :(. We are hanging out tomorrow though :D..or i hope so anyway! Parents leave on monday get back friday. I get back wednesday. You know what that to myself for tw0 days baby!! I actually doubt i will end up staying here..but w/e. So everything is good..besides my rapidly falling lit grade. And math. Hahahh. But only 3O DAYS LEFT UNTIL SUMMER!! Where i get to hopefully see jeremy all the time :] And my besties of course!! AND CAMP!! Which reminds me that i have to go on a retreat weekend in like 2 weekends and i havent done anything for it!!! Greeeattt. Jeremy is awesome. I could never ask for anything better. Nor will i ever get anything better. Love that boy foreeverr. And with that i'm gonna go. I'll be SURE to update when we return from Panama City! I'm sure there will be many stories to tell.
Have a great break everyone!!lAUREN
^^SO Excited emily and rachael!! x33 yall so much!!
have fun at panama city and let me know how it wsa when you get back!!
good luck in Panama
i'm out
i love summer too :) really cute diary, i think i said it b4 but its just really adorable :)
thanks lauren!! have an INCREDIBLE spring break too!! i love ya girl!
nope not on spring break any it ended on monday!!!...ttyl,
AH its tomorrow!!!! i cant WAIT!! we are going to have so much fun!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! you and jeremy were SO cute tonight! cya tomorow morning =) ahh yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where did you get your layout?? i wont take yours i swear. =] thank youu!!
i'm out