palm trees *` ocean breeze
letsgo crusin'you & me
salty air | sunkissed hair
e n d l e s s summer
t.a.k.e m.e. t.h.e.r.e
Way fun weekend.
Seriously, it was. Friday night i went to eat at Swallow in the Hollow with Jeremy + his family. We walked around Roswell and just fun stuff like that. Then we went back to his house & sat in the hammock till my mom came and got me at 11. It was a lot of fun :). Then on saturday katie nicole conner travis patrick and i went to the pool. it was funn we just hung around the pool and houses. then jeremy stopped by on his way to the avenue so i got to see him some. saturday night i babysat. today i woke a shower then went over to conners with emily. That was funnnnn? :P So that was my aweeesome weekend.
yeah thanks for being so encouraging, it made me smile to read your comment! you're so positive! it's just hard ya know... i've been letting myself down in everything i do lately so the grades just REALLY got me upset.. like the final straw. but i'm going to try to focus on the fact that it's summer, worrying about grades is what the school year is for anyways! haha i love you!
aw your diary is super cute =)
hehe _
♥ meagn