4 more periods..

Listening to: kyle is talking..
Feeling: bored
hello! i am in webpage design. kyle would like me to mention that he is a SUPER stud. and he's amazing at solitaire. and thats all. so today kindof sucked. since i lost my math book i have to pay freaking 48 dollars to replace it. and i hate math, so its basically buying something i hate. pah, isnt life great. spanish is the usual bore, HR sucked as usual because of my dear friend cameron telling me to move and sit at another table. lunch was the WORST -- so we go in early and get seats, then go to the bookroom, then of course when we get back all our seats are taken. so me and april talk to ourselves the entire time and practically sing praises when the bell rings. well i better pay attention, we're making a movie in flash player -- whoooo hoo. sorry this entry was so negative, PEACE OUTTT
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I HATE LUNCH!..it can eat my shots...ugh, man we are so getting up and finding seats tomorrow..duuude its not fair!