
Listening to: Nothing.
C h e r i s h.

Sometimes there's just things in life that make you realize how good you really have it. Things like this make us wake up and come to the realization that petty matters won't matter in years to come and that the person we are is molded and shaped by the hardships we go through. So today i found out that one of my good friend's dad died. It was sudden, not something like predictable like cancer. I just wonder what i would do if it happened to me. Just this one day teaches me to cherish the little things in my life. Seeing my friends in the halls, packages from lucy, kisses from jeremy, all the little things that make my life so incredibly awesome. So, if you are one of my friends reading this, i love you so much. I would be so incredibly lost without you and you all make me so happy. my family, they're alright. although sometimes seemingly unbearable, i don't think i could live without them. And if you are a stranger just having a boring night, please just always remember what is important in life. All of these diaries are used as escapes --complainers, myself included-- about their lives. Everyones entitled to complaining here and there, just don't let your complaints and wants drown out the things you already have in your life. I'm going to go. Today's been long and i've got much to think about, like how good i have it.

The clothes you wore, how popular or pretty you were, or how awesome you looked in a bikini. Do you really think its all going to matter? Cherish the friends you have and the memories you make, because life is short and nothing lasts forever. i you.

Read 8 comments
cute diarii!
pimp that ride!
i love you lauren, with all my heart!!! -emily-
i love you so much lauren, i seriously dont know what id do without you girls
awe thanx! urs is hott too! love the pic! LOL. xOx_sTePh
aww.. i agree -j-
that heart is dang cool. -r-
Aww come on Lauren..i love readin your daily updates..but they havent been so daily lately! =( Wahh..