Listening to: something vague - bright eyes
i broke the law today.
right under a teacher's nose.
this older (in her 30s) friend of mine handed me her keys and said, "can you move my car for me? i'm afraid i'm going to get a ticket."
perplexed, i said, "but i don't have my license!"
obviously not giving a rat's, she said, "i know. but i trust you enough to do it."
so i did.
i told the teacher sitting at the door that a lady wanted me to move her car for her from the circle to the student lot. he just waved me by.
i was quivering with fear as i tried to unlock the door...turning on the car...putting it in to reverse...pulling out of the parallel park...
and then i just started laughing.
and i laughed all the way over to the parking lot.
some stoners were hanging out there, and i put on my best straight face for the two seconds that they stared at me.
once again, the laughing commenced.
i drove all the way around the parking lot trying to find the best spot for her.
i got a pretty damn good spot. and i did a pretty damn good job of parking it, too.
and i wasn't caught.
(i haven't driven since december. eep!)
walk back in to the school, jingle the keys, and re-enter the auditorium.
everyone stares at me as i pass the set of keys back to her.
i'm evil.