.. what a confussing kid ..
well Jared made me .. un-madd at him .. even though i still sort of am ..okay ..
first ..
he made me cry .IN PUBLIC!!
second ..
he played l0l0 dirty .. and i can't stand for that
third ..
he's done this shit to me to0 many times
f0urth ..
he made me jealous
.. well now he called me and appologized and then i screamed! and he told me that he'd bake me a cake if i would forgive him. and he told me that he wanted to give l0l0 one last chance before he got rid of her as anything but a friend. then he told me that i won .. or something like that !! yea .. so .. what does this mean .. he said something like how he wants to get to know me better and how that he'd never go out with l0l0 again .. but .. the part about me got confussing .. and he was jealous of any boy that talked to me .. and it was weird .. but tomorrow i'm going to the beach with him and my family .. .. we're nothing more than freinds right now .... and for a while that's how it's gonna be .. i'm not giving up what i already have so he can get what he already had !!
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