GiRL FiGht
well umm yeah .. this girl Kristen likes Ashton or whatever and she was trying to get him to break up with me or something .. so then I found out and me and Ash switched cellulars this morning and then she text his fone and she like asked what he was gonna do with me and stuff and then she said that he should dump me and she said i was a bitch! so then i went up to her in 1st hour and was like -- UMM.. next time you plan to talk behind my back make sure i don't have my boyfriend's cell phone !i! and she was like in shock! -- then the shit talking started in the halls -- but of coarse all of my friends heard her -- and they told me like that!!
-- well i'm out
dont start shit with nerds lol they rock and they will so kick your ass haha jk
comon' its only the 1st month of school and you already have an enemy geesh lolo lay off a bit.
and im not going to school in the morning.. my madre is taking me to the docotrs = eh
mm ilu
see you later tomorrow
♥ lolo