well i just got back from seeing Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory .. with Mina .. the best cuz in the world!! even tho she can be a brat sometimes!! but w/e .. diff. point!! OMG!! Mr. Wonka is like Johnny's great uncle or something!! So resemblance!! omg .. so scary!! .. i lved that movie!! heck yesh! i did!! .. kkay ..
then on the way home from the movies .. i tried to call L0l0 from the carr .. and it wouldn't work so i bitched at some lady who came on my intercom in my carr and she said i was out of units or some b/s like that .. that's what it is b/s she lied .. she just didn't want me to call L0l0 because she was so jealous!! that's it!!
well .. yea ..
.. x3 .. LauRa MoniQu3
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