Listening to: MGMT
Feeling: burdened
Would it be better?
If you didnt get attached to me
If i never called you when you gave me your number
If i didnt kiss you
If we didnt like being close to each other
If we never drove to nowhere and found each other
Would it be better on your heart to have never known me?
Because i know when the wind decides to blow my way i will go with it
I know you wont follow, and whatever we have and might have had will disappear as if it never existed
Is it selfish of me to pull you close even though i know we will be far apart, and you will have nothing but questions i cannot answer?
I wish you could see my world and join me in it
But i know this is all but impossible
I have tried to tell you
But you just smile and nod when i know you have no clue as to what i mean
I will miss you more than you realize, though you will say I am a liar
You will hate me one day
And this is so heavy on my heart
I live for the moment forgetting the past and not worrying about the future
This i think is an amazing way to live life as ong as you have true honest good intentions, but in the end everyone i loved has been hurt by me when i wanted nothing but the best.
I must get back out of this worrying and live life, but i still wonder; would it be better if instead of smiling back, I just looked away
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